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Look for alternatives on : Windows Store PC. Western Digital Technologies, Inc. Vote for this app on WishApplist! After a certain number of votes, we will contact the publisher to let them know that many of you want to download it. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it is to land on PC! You can also login to your account to be alerted when this app is available. Contact us. Better Photo Experience. Sharper Video Sharing. Share high-quality video with friends, family or clients without compromising on resolution.
Smooth Streaming. Simple Dashboard Interface. Featured Solutions. The discount may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer and does not apply to taxes or shipping costs. Retailers, Resellers and Distributors are excluded from this promotion. The promotion is not applicable for any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world.
Western Digital reserves the right to change or discontinue this offer at any time without notice. Limit one free iXpand Wireless Charger per customer.
Available while supplies last. Free iXpand Wireless Charger offer may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer. This offer does not apply to any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world. Delivery must be within the United States. This promotion is valid through June 19th, This offer may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer.
The offer has no cash value, is not applicable for any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world. This promotion is valid between August 2, and August 15, Maximum of 1 coupon code per customer. Limit of 1 bundle per customer. Coupon code is only valid while supplies last. The coupon code may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer and does not apply to taxes or shipping costs.
The coupon code is not applicable for any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world.
This promotion valid through August 7th, Resellers and Distributors are excluded from this promotion. The offer is not applicable for any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world. Here are an example taken from WD community. I have been having trouble gaining access to my WD My Cloud via my computers file explorer.
I used to be able to access my files by selecting the drop-down menu on the network tab in the file explorer; however, recently when I click the drop-down indicator it simply disappears and I cannot gain access. I am on Windows 10, does anybody know how to fix this? This is not a rare case , and you can easily fix it with 11 potential solutions in the following.
And then, the most important thing is to find out what is causing your problem - WD My Cloud not showing up in Windows Explorer. Here we summarize the most common reasons:. After knowing the potential causes, you can try the following solutions according to your causes. If you don't know what exactly the cause is, please try Solution 1 and Solution 2 first.
Adding a Windows credential for this cloud storage is a good start. And it also works for WD My Cloud private share access denied if you are currently using a private network. Step 1. Step 2. Type the username and password of My Cloud in the following window and click Save.
If your problem is caused by certain account credentials , changing the Registry settings is worth trying. Below are the steps:. Navigate the following registry key and double-click LanmanWorkstation to see its content.
Step 3. Step 4. Open the new value and change its value data to 1 , then click OK to exit. After that, leave the registry editor and restart your computer. Microsoft typically disables the SMB1. Thus, it's worth being sure if it's enabled with the following steps. Then, restart your computer for changes to take effect.
Note: Also, you can directly type optionalfeatures.
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The iXpand Mini GB cannot be returned for cash or credit, or exchanged for other items. This promotion is valid between March 1st, and April 1st, Limit one free iXpand Min GB per customer. This promotion is valid through July 3, The excluded countries are: China, Pakistan, Namibia, Tunisia. Free iXpand Mini offer may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer.
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